Title: | Bayesian Modeling and Analysis of Spatially Correlated Survival Data |
Description: | Provides several Bayesian survival models for spatial/non-spatial survival data: proportional hazards (PH), accelerated failure time (AFT), proportional odds (PO), and accelerated hazards (AH), a super model that includes PH, AFT, PO and AH as special cases, Bayesian nonparametric nonproportional hazards (LDDPM), generalized accelerated failure time (GAFT), and spatially smoothed Polya tree density estimation. The spatial dependence is modeled via frailties under PH, AFT, PO, AH and GAFT, and via copulas under LDDPM and PH. Model choice is carried out via the logarithm of the pseudo marginal likelihood (LPML), the deviance information criterion (DIC), and the Watanabe-Akaike information criterion (WAIC). See Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v092.i09>. |
Authors: | Haiming Zhou [aut, cre, cph], Timothy Hanson [aut] |
Maintainer: | Haiming Zhou <haiming2019@gmail.com> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.1.8 |
Built: | 2025-02-18 04:41:07 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/spBayesSurv |
This function fits a Bayesian Nonparametric model (De Iorio et al., 2009) for non-spatial right censored time-to-event data. Note that the notations are different with those presented in the original paper; see Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for new examples.
anovaDDP(formula, data, na.action, prediction=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE)
anovaDDP(formula, data, na.action, prediction=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
prediction |
a list giving the information used to obtain conditional inferences. The list includes the following element: |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. See Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for more detailed hyperprior specifications. |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis. |
scale.designX |
flag to indicate wheter the design matrix X will be centered by column means and scaled by column standard deviations, where |
This function fits a Bayesian Nonparametric model (De Iorio et al., 2009) for non-spatial right censored time-to-event data. Note that the notations are different with those presented in the original paper; see Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for new examples.
The anovaDDP
object is a list containing at least the following components:
n |
the number of row observations used in fitting the model |
p |
the number of columns in the model matrix |
Surv |
the |
X.scaled |
the n by p scaled design matrix |
X |
the n by p orginal design matrix |
beta |
the p+1 by N by nsave array of posterior samples for the coefficients |
sigma2 |
the N by nsave matrix of posterior samples for sigma2 involved in the DDP. |
w |
the N by nsave matrix of posterior samples for weights involved in the DDP. |
Tpred |
the npred by nsave predicted survival times for covariates specified in the argument |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2020). spBayesSurv: Fitting Bayesian Spatial Survival Models Using R. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(9): 1-33.
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Knapp, R. (2015). Marginal Bayesian nonparametric model for time to disease arrival of threatened amphibian populations. Biometrics, 71(4): 1101-1110.
De Iorio, M., Johnson, W. O., Mueller, P., and Rosner, G. L. (2009). Bayesian nonparametric nonproportional hazards survival modeling. Biometrics, 65(3): 762-771.
############################################################### # A simulated data: mixture of two normals ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True parameters betaT = cbind(c(3.5, 0.5), c(2.5, -1)); wT = c(0.4, 0.6); sig2T = c(1^2, 0.5^2); n=100; ## The Survival function for log survival times: fiofy = function(y, xi, w=wT){ nw = length(w); ny = length(y); res = matrix(0, ny, nw); Xi = c(1,xi); for (k in 1:nw){ res[,k] = w[k]*dnorm(y, sum(Xi*betaT[,k]), sqrt(sig2T[k]) ) } apply(res, 1, sum) } fioft = function(t, xi, w=wT) fiofy(log(t), xi, w)/t; Fiofy = function(y, xi, w=wT){ nw = length(w); ny = length(y); res = matrix(0, ny, nw); Xi = c(1,xi); for (k in 1:nw){ res[,k] = w[k]*pnorm(y, sum(Xi*betaT[,k]), sqrt(sig2T[k]) ) } apply(res, 1, sum) } Fioft = function(t, xi, w=wT) Fiofy(log(t), xi, w); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (y) Fiofy(y,x)-u, lower=-250, upper=250, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## generate x x1 = runif(n,-1.5,1.5); X = cbind(x1); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = exp(Finv(u[i], X[i,])); } ### ----------- right-censored -------------### t_obs=tT Centime = runif(n, 20, 200); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; # censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); t_obs[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; ## observed time ## make a data frame d = data.frame(tobs=t_obs, x1=x1, delta=delta, tT=tT); table(d$delta)/n; ############################################################### # Independent DDP: Bayesian Nonparametric Survival Model ############################################################### # MCMC parameters nburn=500; nsave=500; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(N=10, a0=2, b0=2); # Fit the Cox PH model res1 = anovaDDP(formula = Surv(tobs, delta)~x1, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc); ## LPML LPML = sum(log(res1$cpo)); LPML; ## Number of non-negligible components quantile(colSums(res1$w>0.05)) ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ ygrid = seq(0,6.0,length=100); tgrid = exp(ygrid); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(-1, 1)) plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
############################################################### # A simulated data: mixture of two normals ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True parameters betaT = cbind(c(3.5, 0.5), c(2.5, -1)); wT = c(0.4, 0.6); sig2T = c(1^2, 0.5^2); n=100; ## The Survival function for log survival times: fiofy = function(y, xi, w=wT){ nw = length(w); ny = length(y); res = matrix(0, ny, nw); Xi = c(1,xi); for (k in 1:nw){ res[,k] = w[k]*dnorm(y, sum(Xi*betaT[,k]), sqrt(sig2T[k]) ) } apply(res, 1, sum) } fioft = function(t, xi, w=wT) fiofy(log(t), xi, w)/t; Fiofy = function(y, xi, w=wT){ nw = length(w); ny = length(y); res = matrix(0, ny, nw); Xi = c(1,xi); for (k in 1:nw){ res[,k] = w[k]*pnorm(y, sum(Xi*betaT[,k]), sqrt(sig2T[k]) ) } apply(res, 1, sum) } Fioft = function(t, xi, w=wT) Fiofy(log(t), xi, w); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (y) Fiofy(y,x)-u, lower=-250, upper=250, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## generate x x1 = runif(n,-1.5,1.5); X = cbind(x1); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = exp(Finv(u[i], X[i,])); } ### ----------- right-censored -------------### t_obs=tT Centime = runif(n, 20, 200); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; # censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); t_obs[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; ## observed time ## make a data frame d = data.frame(tobs=t_obs, x1=x1, delta=delta, tT=tT); table(d$delta)/n; ############################################################### # Independent DDP: Bayesian Nonparametric Survival Model ############################################################### # MCMC parameters nburn=500; nsave=500; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(N=10, a0=2, b0=2); # Fit the Cox PH model res1 = anovaDDP(formula = Surv(tobs, delta)~x1, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc); ## LPML LPML = sum(log(res1$cpo)); LPML; ## Number of non-negligible components quantile(colSums(res1$w>0.05)) ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ ygrid = seq(0,6.0,length=100); tgrid = exp(ygrid); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(-1, 1)) plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
This function allows one to add a simple baseline stratification term to the generalized AFT model.
... |
stratification variables to be entered; see the example in |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2020). spBayesSurv: Fitting Bayesian Spatial Survival Models Using R. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(9): 1-33.
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2017). Generalized accelerated failure time spatial frailty model for arbitrarily censored data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 23(3): 495-515..
Generate the B-spline basis matrix for a cubic spline with the first and last columns dropped.
bspline(x, df=NULL, knots=NULL, Boundary.knots = range(x))
bspline(x, df=NULL, knots=NULL, Boundary.knots = range(x))
x |
the predictor variable. Missing values are allowed. |
df |
degrees of freedom; one can specify |
knots |
the internal breakpoints that define the spline. The default is |
Boundary.knots |
boundary points at which to anchor the B-spline basis (default the range of the non-NA data). |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Hastie, T. J. (1992) Generalized additive models. Chapter 7 of Statistical Models in S eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
require(stats) basis <- bspline(women$height, df = 5) newX <- seq(58, 72, length.out = 51) # evaluate the basis at the new data predict(basis, newX)
require(stats) basis <- bspline(women$height, df = 5) newX <- seq(58, 72, length.out = 51) # evaluate the basis at the new data predict(basis, newX)
This function provides the Cox-Snell diagnostic plot (Zhou and Hanson, 2018) for fitting for Bayesian semiparametric survival models.
cox.snell.survregbayes(x, ncurves = 10, PLOT = TRUE)
cox.snell.survregbayes(x, ncurves = 10, PLOT = TRUE)
x |
an object obtained from the function |
ncurves |
the number of posterior draws. |
a logical value indicating whether the estimated survival curves will be plotted. |
The function returns the plot (if PLOT = TRUE
) and a list with the following components:
resid |
the |
resid* |
the |
St1 |
the |
St2 |
the |
Delta |
The status indicator: 0=right censored, 1=event at time, 2=left censored, 3=interval censored. |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H. and Hanson, T. (2018). A unified framework for fitting Bayesian semiparametric models to arbitrarily censored survival data, including spatially-referenced data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113(522): 571-581.
This function fits a generalized accelerated failure time frailty model (Zhou, et al., 2017) for clustered and/or areal-level time-to-event data. Note that the function arguments are slightly different with those presented in the original paper; see Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for new examples.
frailtyGAFT(formula, data, na.action, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, Proximity=NULL, Coordinates=NULL, DIST=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE)
frailtyGAFT(formula, data, na.action, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, Proximity=NULL, Coordinates=NULL, DIST=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. See Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for more detailed hyperprior specifications. |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis. |
Proximity |
an m by m symetric adjacency matrix, where m is the number of clusters/regions. If CAR frailty model is specified in the formula, |
Coordinates |
an m by d coordinates matrix, where m is the number of clusters/regions, d is the dimension of coordiantes. If GRF frailty model is specified in the formula, |
This is a function argument, used to calculate the distance. The default is Euclidean distance ( |
scale.designX |
flag to indicate whether the design matrix X and Xtf will be centered by column means and scaled by column standard deviations, where |
This function fits a a generalized accelerated failure time frailty model (Zhou, et al., 2017) for clustered and/or areal-level time-to-event data. Note that the function arguments are slightly different with those presented in the original paper of Zhou, et al. (2017); see Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for new examples.
The frailtyGAFT
object is a list containing at least the following components:
modelname |
the name of the fitted model |
terms |
the |
coefficients |
a named vector of coefficients. The last two elements are the estimates of scale parameter sigma and precision parameter alpha involved in the LDTFP prior. |
call |
the matched call |
prior |
the list of hyperparameters used in all priors. |
mcmc |
the list of MCMC parameters used |
n |
the number of row observations used in fitting the model |
pce |
the number of columns in the model matrix including the intercept |
ptf |
the number of columns in the model matrix used in the LDTFP baseline including the intercept |
Surv |
the |
X.scaled |
the n by pce-1 scaled design matrix |
X |
the n by pce-1 orginal design matrix |
Xtf.scaled |
the n by ptf-1 scaled design matrix used in the LDTFP baseline |
Xtf |
the n by ptf-1 orginal design matrix used in the LDTFP baseline |
sigma2 |
the vector of posterior samples for the variance parameter used in the LDTFP prior. |
beta |
the pce by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
beta.scaled |
the pce by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
alpha |
the vector of posterior samples for the precision parameter alpha in the LDTFP prior. |
maxL |
the truncation level used in the LDTFP prior. |
logt |
the n by nsave matrix of posterior samples for log survival times. |
cpo |
the length n vector of the stabilized estiamte of CPO; used for calculating LPML |
accept_beta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of beta coefficient vector |
frail.prior |
the frailty prior used in |
BF |
the Bayes factors for testing necessariness of each stratification covariate. |
The object will also have the following components when frailty models are fit:
v |
the nID by nsave matrix of posterior samples for frailties, where nID is the number of clusters considered. |
tau2 |
the vector of posterior samples for tau2 involved in the IID, GRF or CAR frailty prior. |
ID |
the cluster ID used in |
If GRF frailties are used, the object will also have:
Coordinates |
the |
ratephi |
the acceptance rates in the posterior sampling of phi involved in the GRF prior |
phi |
the vector of posterior samples for phi involved in the GRF prior |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2020). spBayesSurv: Fitting Bayesian Spatial Survival Models Using R. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(9): 1-33.
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2017). Generalized accelerated failure time spatial frailty model for arbitrarily censored data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 23(3): 495-515.
, frailtyprior
, survregbayes
, rdist
############################################################### # A simulated data: GAFT spatial frailty model ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) library(MASS) ## True densities set.seed(1) Finvsingle = function(u, F) { res = uniroot(function (x) F(x)-u, lower=-1000, upper=1000, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5); res$root } Finv = function(u, F) {sapply(u, Finvsingle, F)}; f0 = function(x) dnorm(x, 0, 0.8); F0 = function(x) pnorm(x, 0, 0.8); shift=1 f1 = function(x) 0.5*dnorm(x, -shift, 0.5) + 0.5*dnorm(x, shift, 0.5) F1 = function(x) 0.5*pnorm(x, -shift, 0.5) + 0.5*pnorm(x, shift, 0.5); ff = function(x, xtf=0) { if(xtf==0) {res=f0(x)} else res=f1(x) res } FF = function(x, xtf=0){ if(xtf==0) {res=F0(x)} else res=F1(x) res } # Simulation settings; betaT = c(-1, 1, -0.5); tau2T = 0.1; m = 50; # blocks mi = 2; mis = rep(mi, m); id = rep(1:m,mis); n = length(id); # Total number of subjects # Generate symmetric adjaceny matrix, W wi = rep(0, m) while(any(wi==0)){ W = matrix(0,m,m) W[upper.tri(W,diag=FALSE)]<-rbinom(m*(m-1)/2,1,.1) W = W+t(W) wi = apply(W,1,sum) # No. neighbors } # Spatial effects, v Wstar = matrix(0, m-1, m-1); Dstar = diag(wi[-m]); for(i in 1:(m-1)){ for(j in 1:(m-1)){ Wstar[i,j] = W[j,i]-W[j,m]-W[m,i]-wi[m] } } Qstar = Dstar-Wstar; covT = tau2T*solve(Qstar); v0 = mvrnorm(1, mu=rep(0,m-1), Sigma=covT); v = c(v0,-sum(v0)); vn = rep(v, mis); # responses x1 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); x2 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); xtf = x2; ptf = 2; X = cbind(1,x1,x2); pce = ncol(X); u = runif(n, 0, 1) y = rep(0, n); for(i in 1:n) { if(x2[i]==1) { y[i] = sum(betaT*X[i,]) + vn[i] + Finv(u[i], F1) }else{ y[i] = sum(betaT*X[i,]) + vn[i] + Finv(u[i], F0) } } # generate responses Cen = runif(n, 0.5, 1) delta = (exp(y)<=Cen)+0; sum(delta)/n tTrue = exp(y); tobs = cbind(tTrue, tTrue); tobs[which(delta==0),] = cbind(Cen[which(delta==0)], NA); dtotal = data.frame(tleft=tobs[,1], tright=tobs[,2], x1=x1, x2=x2, xtf=x2, ID=id, tTrue=tTrue, censor=delta); ## sort the data by ID d = dtotal[order(dtotal$ID),]; # Prior information and MCMC fit0 <- survival::survreg(Surv(tleft, censor)~x1+x2, dist="lognormal", data=d); prior = list(maxL = 4, a0 = 5, b0 = 1); mcmc=list(nburn=200, nsave=200, nskip=0, ndisplay=100) # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. # Fit the model ptm<-proc.time() res = frailtyGAFT(Surv(tleft, tright, type="interval2")~x1+x2+baseline(x1, x2)+ frailtyprior(prior="car", ID), data=d, mcmc=mcmc, prior=prior, Proximity=W); summary(res); systime1=proc.time()-ptm; systime1; ### trace plots par(mfrow = c(3,1)) traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[1,]), main="beta1"); traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[2,]), main="beta2"); traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[3,]), main="beta3"); #################################################################### ## Get curves #################################################################### par(mfrow = c(1,1)) xpred = data.frame(x1=c(1,1.5), x2=c(0,1)) xtfpred = xpred; plot(res, xnewdata=xpred, xtfnewdata=xtfpred, CI=0.9);
############################################################### # A simulated data: GAFT spatial frailty model ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) library(MASS) ## True densities set.seed(1) Finvsingle = function(u, F) { res = uniroot(function (x) F(x)-u, lower=-1000, upper=1000, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5); res$root } Finv = function(u, F) {sapply(u, Finvsingle, F)}; f0 = function(x) dnorm(x, 0, 0.8); F0 = function(x) pnorm(x, 0, 0.8); shift=1 f1 = function(x) 0.5*dnorm(x, -shift, 0.5) + 0.5*dnorm(x, shift, 0.5) F1 = function(x) 0.5*pnorm(x, -shift, 0.5) + 0.5*pnorm(x, shift, 0.5); ff = function(x, xtf=0) { if(xtf==0) {res=f0(x)} else res=f1(x) res } FF = function(x, xtf=0){ if(xtf==0) {res=F0(x)} else res=F1(x) res } # Simulation settings; betaT = c(-1, 1, -0.5); tau2T = 0.1; m = 50; # blocks mi = 2; mis = rep(mi, m); id = rep(1:m,mis); n = length(id); # Total number of subjects # Generate symmetric adjaceny matrix, W wi = rep(0, m) while(any(wi==0)){ W = matrix(0,m,m) W[upper.tri(W,diag=FALSE)]<-rbinom(m*(m-1)/2,1,.1) W = W+t(W) wi = apply(W,1,sum) # No. neighbors } # Spatial effects, v Wstar = matrix(0, m-1, m-1); Dstar = diag(wi[-m]); for(i in 1:(m-1)){ for(j in 1:(m-1)){ Wstar[i,j] = W[j,i]-W[j,m]-W[m,i]-wi[m] } } Qstar = Dstar-Wstar; covT = tau2T*solve(Qstar); v0 = mvrnorm(1, mu=rep(0,m-1), Sigma=covT); v = c(v0,-sum(v0)); vn = rep(v, mis); # responses x1 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); x2 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); xtf = x2; ptf = 2; X = cbind(1,x1,x2); pce = ncol(X); u = runif(n, 0, 1) y = rep(0, n); for(i in 1:n) { if(x2[i]==1) { y[i] = sum(betaT*X[i,]) + vn[i] + Finv(u[i], F1) }else{ y[i] = sum(betaT*X[i,]) + vn[i] + Finv(u[i], F0) } } # generate responses Cen = runif(n, 0.5, 1) delta = (exp(y)<=Cen)+0; sum(delta)/n tTrue = exp(y); tobs = cbind(tTrue, tTrue); tobs[which(delta==0),] = cbind(Cen[which(delta==0)], NA); dtotal = data.frame(tleft=tobs[,1], tright=tobs[,2], x1=x1, x2=x2, xtf=x2, ID=id, tTrue=tTrue, censor=delta); ## sort the data by ID d = dtotal[order(dtotal$ID),]; # Prior information and MCMC fit0 <- survival::survreg(Surv(tleft, censor)~x1+x2, dist="lognormal", data=d); prior = list(maxL = 4, a0 = 5, b0 = 1); mcmc=list(nburn=200, nsave=200, nskip=0, ndisplay=100) # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. # Fit the model ptm<-proc.time() res = frailtyGAFT(Surv(tleft, tright, type="interval2")~x1+x2+baseline(x1, x2)+ frailtyprior(prior="car", ID), data=d, mcmc=mcmc, prior=prior, Proximity=W); summary(res); systime1=proc.time()-ptm; systime1; ### trace plots par(mfrow = c(3,1)) traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[1,]), main="beta1"); traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[2,]), main="beta2"); traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[3,]), main="beta3"); #################################################################### ## Get curves #################################################################### par(mfrow = c(1,1)) xpred = data.frame(x1=c(1,1.5), x2=c(0,1)) xtfpred = xpred; plot(res, xnewdata=xpred, xtfnewdata=xtfpred, CI=0.9);
This function allows one to add a frailty term to the linear predictor of semiparametric PH, PO and AFT models.
frailtyprior(prior="car", ...)
frailtyprior(prior="car", ...)
prior |
a name string to be entered, e.g, |
... |
Cluster ID to be entered for clustered data or locations for point-referenced data; see the example in |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
This function estimates density, survival, and hazard functions given covariates.
GetCurves(x, xnewdata, xtfnewdata, tgrid = NULL, ygrid = NULL, frail = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'survregbayes' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, frail = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'frailtyGAFT' plot(x, xnewdata, xtfnewdata, tgrid = NULL, frail = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'SuperSurvRegBayes' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'indeptCoxph' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'anovaDDP' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'spCopulaCoxph' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'spCopulaDDP' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'SpatDensReg' plot(x, xnewdata, ygrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
GetCurves(x, xnewdata, xtfnewdata, tgrid = NULL, ygrid = NULL, frail = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'survregbayes' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, frail = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'frailtyGAFT' plot(x, xnewdata, xtfnewdata, tgrid = NULL, frail = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'SuperSurvRegBayes' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'indeptCoxph' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'anovaDDP' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'spCopulaCoxph' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'spCopulaDDP' plot(x, xnewdata, tgrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'SpatDensReg' plot(x, xnewdata, ygrid = NULL, CI = 0.95, PLOT = TRUE, ...)
x |
an object obtained from the functions |
xnewdata |
A data frame in which to look for variables with which to obtain estimated curves. |
xtfnewdata |
A data frame in which to look for variables with which to obtain estimated curves, used only for |
tgrid |
a vector of grid points indicating where the curves will be estimated. |
ygrid |
a vector of grid points indicating where the curves will be estimated, used only for |
frail |
an optional matrix of posterior frailty values for |
CI |
a numeric value indicating the level of credible interval. |
a logical value indicating whether the estimated survival curves will be plotted. |
... |
further arguments to be passed to or from other methods. |
This function estimates density, survival, and hazard functions given covariates.
Use names
to find out what they are, where fhat
represents density, Shat
represents survival, hhat
represents hazard. The credible bands are also provided, e.g., Shatlow
represents the lower band and Shatup
represents the upper band.
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
, frailtyGAFT
, SuperSurvRegBayes
, indeptCoxph
, anovaDDP
, spCopulaCoxph
, spCopulaDDP
and SpatDensReg
This function fits a Bayesian proportional hazards model (Zhou, Hanson and Zhang, 2018) for non-spatial right censored time-to-event data.
indeptCoxph(formula, data, na.action, prediction=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE)
indeptCoxph(formula, data, na.action, prediction=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
prediction |
a list giving the information used to obtain conditional inferences. The list includes the following element: |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. See Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for more detailed hyperprior specifications. |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis. |
scale.designX |
flag to indicate wheter the design matrix X will be centered by column means and scaled by column standard deviations, where |
This function fits a Bayesian proportional hazards model (Zhou, Hanson and Zhang, 2018) for non-spatial right censored time-to-event data.
The indeptCoxph
object is a list containing at least the following components:
modelname |
the name of the fitted model |
terms |
the |
coefficients |
a named vector of coefficients. |
call |
the matched call |
prior |
the list of hyperparameters used in all priors. |
mcmc |
the list of MCMC parameters used |
n |
the number of row observations used in fitting the model |
p |
the number of columns in the model matrix |
Surv |
the |
X.scaled |
the n by p scaled design matrix |
X |
the n by p orginal design matrix |
beta |
the p by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
beta.scaled |
the p by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
ratebeta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of beta coefficient vector |
cpo |
the length n vector of the stabilized estiamte of CPO; used for calculating LPML |
Tpred |
the npred by nsave predicted survival times for covariates specified in the argument |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2020). spBayesSurv: Fitting Bayesian Spatial Survival Models Using R. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(9): 1-33.
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Knapp, R. (2015). Marginal Bayesian nonparametric model for time to disease arrival of threatened amphibian populations. Biometrics, 71(4): 1101-1110.
############################################################### # A simulated data: Cox PH ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True parameters betaT = c(1,1); n=100; ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) (0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)) ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x) exp( log(S0oft(t))*exp(sum(x*betaT)) ) ; fioft = function(t,x) exp(sum(x*betaT))*f0oft(t)/S0oft(t)*Sioft(t,x); Fioft = function(t,x) 1-Sioft(t,x); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## generate x x1 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,]); } ### ----------- right-censored -------------### t_obs=tT Centime = runif(n, 2, 6); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; # censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); t_obs[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; ## observed time ## make a data frame d = data.frame(tobs=t_obs, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, tT=tT); table(d$delta)/n; ############################################################### # Independent Cox PH ############################################################### # MCMC parameters nburn=500; nsave=300; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(M=10, r0=1); # Fit the Cox PH model res1 = indeptCoxph(formula = Surv(tobs, delta)~x1+x2, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc); sfit1=summary(res1); sfit1; ## traceplot par(mfrow = c(2,2)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[1,]), main="beta1") traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[2,]), main="beta2") traceplot(mcmc(res1$h.scaled[2,]), main="h") traceplot(mcmc(res1$h.scaled[3,]), main="h") ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ par(mfrow = c(1,1)) tgrid = seq(1e-10,4,0.1); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(0,0), x2=c(0,1)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
############################################################### # A simulated data: Cox PH ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True parameters betaT = c(1,1); n=100; ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) (0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)) ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x) exp( log(S0oft(t))*exp(sum(x*betaT)) ) ; fioft = function(t,x) exp(sum(x*betaT))*f0oft(t)/S0oft(t)*Sioft(t,x); Fioft = function(t,x) 1-Sioft(t,x); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## generate x x1 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,]); } ### ----------- right-censored -------------### t_obs=tT Centime = runif(n, 2, 6); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; # censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); t_obs[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; ## observed time ## make a data frame d = data.frame(tobs=t_obs, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, tT=tT); table(d$delta)/n; ############################################################### # Independent Cox PH ############################################################### # MCMC parameters nburn=500; nsave=300; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(M=10, r0=1); # Fit the Cox PH model res1 = indeptCoxph(formula = Surv(tobs, delta)~x1+x2, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc); sfit1=summary(res1); sfit1; ## traceplot par(mfrow = c(2,2)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[1,]), main="beta1") traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[2,]), main="beta2") traceplot(mcmc(res1$h.scaled[2,]), main="h") traceplot(mcmc(res1$h.scaled[3,]), main="h") ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ par(mfrow = c(1,1)) tgrid = seq(1e-10,4,0.1); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(0,0), x2=c(0,1)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
A dataset on the survival of acute myeloid leukemia in 1,043 pateietns, first analyzed by Henderson et al. (2002). It is of interest to investigate possible spatial variation in survival after accounting for known subject-specific prognostic factors, which include age, sex, white blood cell count (wbc) at diagnosis, and the Townsend score (tpi) for which higher values indicates less affluent areas. Both exact residential locations of all patients and their administrative districts (24 districts that make up the whole region) are available.
time: | survival time in days |
cens: | right censoring status 0=censored, 1=dead |
xcoord: | coordinates in x-axis of residence |
ycoord: | coordinates in y-axis of residence |
age: | age in years |
sex: | male=1 female=0 |
wbc: | white blood cell count at diagnosis, truncated at 500 |
tpi: | the Townsend score for which higher values indicates less affluent areas |
district: | administrative district of residence |
Henderson, R., Shimakura, S., and Gorst, D. (2002), Modeling spatial variation in leukemia survival data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 97(460), 965-972.
data(LeukSurv) head(LeukSurv)
data(LeukSurv) head(LeukSurv)
Evaluate a predefined spline basis at given values.
## S3 method for class 'bspline' predict(object, newx, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bspline' predict(object, newx, ...)
object |
the result of a call to |
newx |
the |
... |
Optional additional arguments. At present no additional arguments are used. |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
require(stats) basis <- bspline(women$height, df = 5) newX <- seq(58, 72, length.out = 51) # evaluate the basis at the new data predict(basis, newX)
require(stats) basis <- bspline(women$height, df = 5) newX <- seq(58, 72, length.out = 51) # evaluate the basis at the new data predict(basis, newX)
This function provides a Bayesian nonparametric density estimator that changes smoothly in space. The estimator is built from the predictive rule for a marginalized Polya tree (PT), modified so that observations are spatially weighted by their distance from the location of interest.
SpatDensReg(formula, data, na.action, prior=NULL, state=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), permutation=TRUE, fix.theta=TRUE)
SpatDensReg(formula, data, na.action, prior=NULL, state=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), permutation=TRUE, fix.theta=TRUE)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameter: |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. If |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
permutation |
flag to indicate whether a random data permutation will be implemented in the beginning of each iterate; default is |
fix.theta |
flag to indicate whether the centering distribution parameters theta=(location, log(scale)) are fixed; default is |
The SpatDensReg
object is a list containing at least the following components:
modelname |
the name of the fitted model |
terms |
the |
call |
the matched call |
prior |
the list of hyperparameters used in all priors. |
mcmc |
the list of MCMC parameters used |
n |
the number of row observations used in fitting the model |
p |
the number of columns in the model matrix |
Surv |
the |
X |
the n by p design matrix |
theta |
the 2 by nsave matrix of posterior samples for location and log(scale) involved in the centering distribution of Polya tree prior. |
phi |
the vector of posterior samples for the phi parameter in the marginal PT definition. |
alpha |
the vector of posterior samples for the precision parameter alpha in the PT prior. |
maxL |
the truncation level used in the PT prior. |
Surv.cox.snell |
the |
ratetheta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of theta vector involved in the centering distribution |
ratec |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of precision parameter alpha involved in the PT prior |
ratephi |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of phi parameter |
initial.values |
the list of initial values used for the parameters |
BF |
the Bayes factor for comparing the spatial model vs. the exchangeable model |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Hanson, T., Zhou, H., and de Carvalho, V. (2018). Bayesian nonparametric spatially smoothed density estimation. In New Frontiers of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (pp 87-105). Springer.
## Simulated data rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True conditional density fiofy_x = function(y, x){ 0.5*dnorm(y, -x, 1)+0.5*dnorm(y, x, 1); } ## Generate data n = 200; x = runif(n, 0, 3) y = rep(0, n); uu = runif(n); for(i in 1:n){ if(uu[i]<0.5){ y[i] = rnorm(1, -x[i], 1); }else{ y[i] = rnorm(1, x[i], 1); } } ## right censored y1=y;y2=y; Centime = runif(n, 2, 4); delta = (y<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; ## censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); y1[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; y2[rcen] = NA; ## make a data frame ## Method 1: in the interval-censoring notation: ## y1 is the left endpoint and y2 is the right endpoint. ## This way we could use Surv(y1, y2, type="interval2") ## Method 2: Because we have right-censored data, ## we could use y1 as the observed survival times and delta as the indicator. ## This way we could use Surv(y1, delta). This is the same as above. d = data.frame(y1=y1, y2=y2, x=x, delta=delta); ##-------------fit the model-------------------## # MCMC parameters nburn=50; nsave=50; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=50); prior = list(maxL=4, phiq0=0); # Note please set 0<phiq0<1 for a valid Bayes factor of testing # spatial model vs. exchangeable model. # If the Bayes factor is not needed, setting phiq0=0 will speed up # the computing time about seven times. state = list(alpha=1); ptm<-proc.time() res1 = SpatDensReg(formula = Surv(y1, delta)~x, data=d, prior=prior, state=state, mcmc=mcmc, permutation = TRUE, fix.theta=FALSE); ## Or equivalently formula = Surv(y1, y2, type="interval2") can also be used. sfit=summary(res1); sfit systime1=proc.time()-ptm; systime1; traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[1,])) traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[2,])) traceplot(mcmc(res1$alpha)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$phi)) ## plots ygrid = seq(-6, 6,length.out=100); xpred = data.frame(x=c(0,1,2,3)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, ygrid=ygrid);
## Simulated data rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True conditional density fiofy_x = function(y, x){ 0.5*dnorm(y, -x, 1)+0.5*dnorm(y, x, 1); } ## Generate data n = 200; x = runif(n, 0, 3) y = rep(0, n); uu = runif(n); for(i in 1:n){ if(uu[i]<0.5){ y[i] = rnorm(1, -x[i], 1); }else{ y[i] = rnorm(1, x[i], 1); } } ## right censored y1=y;y2=y; Centime = runif(n, 2, 4); delta = (y<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; ## censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); y1[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; y2[rcen] = NA; ## make a data frame ## Method 1: in the interval-censoring notation: ## y1 is the left endpoint and y2 is the right endpoint. ## This way we could use Surv(y1, y2, type="interval2") ## Method 2: Because we have right-censored data, ## we could use y1 as the observed survival times and delta as the indicator. ## This way we could use Surv(y1, delta). This is the same as above. d = data.frame(y1=y1, y2=y2, x=x, delta=delta); ##-------------fit the model-------------------## # MCMC parameters nburn=50; nsave=50; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=50); prior = list(maxL=4, phiq0=0); # Note please set 0<phiq0<1 for a valid Bayes factor of testing # spatial model vs. exchangeable model. # If the Bayes factor is not needed, setting phiq0=0 will speed up # the computing time about seven times. state = list(alpha=1); ptm<-proc.time() res1 = SpatDensReg(formula = Surv(y1, delta)~x, data=d, prior=prior, state=state, mcmc=mcmc, permutation = TRUE, fix.theta=FALSE); ## Or equivalently formula = Surv(y1, y2, type="interval2") can also be used. sfit=summary(res1); sfit systime1=proc.time()-ptm; systime1; traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[1,])) traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[2,])) traceplot(mcmc(res1$alpha)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$phi)) ## plots ygrid = seq(-6, 6,length.out=100); xpred = data.frame(x=c(0,1,2,3)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, ygrid=ygrid);
This function fits a marginal Bayesian proportional hazards model (Zhou, Hanson and Zhang, 2018) for point-referenced right censored time-to-event data.
spCopulaCoxph(formula, data, na.action, prediction=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE, Coordinates, DIST=NULL, Knots=NULL)
spCopulaCoxph(formula, data, na.action, prediction=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE, Coordinates, DIST=NULL, Knots=NULL)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
prediction |
a list giving the information used to obtain conditional inferences. The list includes the following elements: |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. See Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for more detailed hyperprior specifications. |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis. |
scale.designX |
flag to indicate wheter the design matrix X will be centered by column means and scaled by column standard deviations, where |
Coordinates |
an n by 2 coordinates matrix, where n is the sample size, 2 is the dimension of coordiantes. Note all cocordinates should be distinct. |
This is a function argument, used to calculate the distance. The default is Euclidean distance ( |
Knots |
an nknots by 2 matrix, where nknots is the number of selected knots for FSA, and 2 is the dimension of each location. If |
This function fits a marginal Bayesian proportional hazards model (Zhou, Hanson and Zhang, 2018) for point-referenced right censored time-to-event data.
The spCopulaCoxph
object is a list containing at least the following components:
modelname |
the name of the fitted model |
terms |
the |
coefficients |
a named vector of coefficients. |
call |
the matched call |
prior |
the list of hyperparameters used in all priors. |
mcmc |
the list of MCMC parameters used |
n |
the number of row observations used in fitting the model |
p |
the number of columns in the model matrix |
Surv |
the |
X.scaled |
the n by p scaled design matrix |
X |
the n by p orginal design matrix |
beta |
the p by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
beta.scaled |
the p by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
theta |
the 2 by nsave matrix of posterior samples for sill and range parameters |
ratebeta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of beta coefficient vector |
ratetheta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of theta |
cpo |
the length n vector of the stabilized estiamte of CPO; used for calculating LPML |
Coordinates |
the |
Tpred |
the npred by nsave predicted survival times for covariates specified in the argument |
Zpred |
the npred by nsave predicted z values for covariates specified in the argument |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2020). spBayesSurv: Fitting Bayesian Spatial Survival Models Using R. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(9): 1-33.
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Knapp, R. (2015). Marginal Bayesian nonparametric model for time to disease arrival of threatened amphibian populations. Biometrics, 71(4): 1101-1110.
############################################################### # A simulated data: spatial Copula Cox PH ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True parameters betaT = c(1,1); theta1 = 0.98; theta2 = 0.1; n=50; npred=3; ntot = n+npred; ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) (0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)) ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x) exp( log(S0oft(t))*exp(sum(x*betaT)) ) ; fioft = function(t,x) exp(sum(x*betaT))*f0oft(t)/S0oft(t)*Sioft(t,x); Fioft = function(t,x) 1-Sioft(t,x); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## generate coordinates: ## npred is the # of locations for prediction ldist = 100; wdist = 40; s1 = runif(ntot, 0, wdist); s2 = runif(ntot, 0, ldist); s = cbind(s1,s2); #plot(s[,1], s[,2]); ## Covariance matrix corT = matrix(1, ntot, ntot); for (i in 1:(ntot-1)){ for (j in (i+1):ntot){ dij = sqrt(sum( (s[i,]-s[j,])^2 )); corT[i,j] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij); corT[j,i] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij); } } ## generate x x1 = rbinom(ntot, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(ntot, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate transformed log of survival times z = MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, ntot), corT); ## generate survival times u = pnorm(z); tT = rep(0, ntot); for (i in 1:ntot){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,]); } ### ----------- right-censored -------------### t_obs=tT Centime = runif(ntot, 2, 6); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/ntot; # censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); t_obs[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; ## observed time ## make a data frame dtot = data.frame(tobs=t_obs, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, tT=tT, s1=s1, s2=s2); ## Hold out npred for prediction purpose predindex = sample(1:ntot, npred); dpred = dtot[predindex,]; d = dtot[-predindex,]; # Prediction settings prediction = list(xpred=cbind(dpred$x1, dpred$x2), spred=cbind(dpred$s1, dpred$s2)); ############################################################### # Independent Cox PH ############################################################### # MCMC parameters nburn=500; nsave=500; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(M=10, r0=1, nknots=10, nblock=n); # here nknots=10<n, so FSA will be used with nblock=n. # As nknots is getting larger, the FSA is more accurate but slower # As nblock is getting smaller, the FSA is more accurate but slower. # In most applications, setting nblock=n works fine, which is the # setting by not specifying nblock. # If nknots is not specified or nknots=n, the exact covariance is used. # Fit the Cox PH model res1 = spCopulaCoxph(formula = Surv(tobs, delta)~x1+x2, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, prediction=prediction, Coordinates=cbind(d$s1,d$s2), Knots=NULL); # here if prediction=NULL, prediction$xpred will be set as the design matrix # in formula, and prediction$spred will be set as the Coordinates argument. # Knots=NULL is the defualt setting, for which the knots will be generated # using fields::cover.design() with number of knots equal to prior$nknots. sfit1=summary(res1); sfit1; ## MSPE mean((dpred$tT-apply(res1$Tpred, 1, median))^2); ## traceplot par(mfrow = c(2,2)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[1,]), main="beta1") traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[2,]), main="beta2") traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[1,]), main="sill") traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[2,]), main="range") ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ par(mfrow = c(1,1)) tgrid = seq(1e-10,4,0.1); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(0,0), x2=c(0,1)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
############################################################### # A simulated data: spatial Copula Cox PH ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True parameters betaT = c(1,1); theta1 = 0.98; theta2 = 0.1; n=50; npred=3; ntot = n+npred; ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) (0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)) ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x) exp( log(S0oft(t))*exp(sum(x*betaT)) ) ; fioft = function(t,x) exp(sum(x*betaT))*f0oft(t)/S0oft(t)*Sioft(t,x); Fioft = function(t,x) 1-Sioft(t,x); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## generate coordinates: ## npred is the # of locations for prediction ldist = 100; wdist = 40; s1 = runif(ntot, 0, wdist); s2 = runif(ntot, 0, ldist); s = cbind(s1,s2); #plot(s[,1], s[,2]); ## Covariance matrix corT = matrix(1, ntot, ntot); for (i in 1:(ntot-1)){ for (j in (i+1):ntot){ dij = sqrt(sum( (s[i,]-s[j,])^2 )); corT[i,j] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij); corT[j,i] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij); } } ## generate x x1 = rbinom(ntot, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(ntot, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate transformed log of survival times z = MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, ntot), corT); ## generate survival times u = pnorm(z); tT = rep(0, ntot); for (i in 1:ntot){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,]); } ### ----------- right-censored -------------### t_obs=tT Centime = runif(ntot, 2, 6); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/ntot; # censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); t_obs[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; ## observed time ## make a data frame dtot = data.frame(tobs=t_obs, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, tT=tT, s1=s1, s2=s2); ## Hold out npred for prediction purpose predindex = sample(1:ntot, npred); dpred = dtot[predindex,]; d = dtot[-predindex,]; # Prediction settings prediction = list(xpred=cbind(dpred$x1, dpred$x2), spred=cbind(dpred$s1, dpred$s2)); ############################################################### # Independent Cox PH ############################################################### # MCMC parameters nburn=500; nsave=500; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(M=10, r0=1, nknots=10, nblock=n); # here nknots=10<n, so FSA will be used with nblock=n. # As nknots is getting larger, the FSA is more accurate but slower # As nblock is getting smaller, the FSA is more accurate but slower. # In most applications, setting nblock=n works fine, which is the # setting by not specifying nblock. # If nknots is not specified or nknots=n, the exact covariance is used. # Fit the Cox PH model res1 = spCopulaCoxph(formula = Surv(tobs, delta)~x1+x2, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, prediction=prediction, Coordinates=cbind(d$s1,d$s2), Knots=NULL); # here if prediction=NULL, prediction$xpred will be set as the design matrix # in formula, and prediction$spred will be set as the Coordinates argument. # Knots=NULL is the defualt setting, for which the knots will be generated # using fields::cover.design() with number of knots equal to prior$nknots. sfit1=summary(res1); sfit1; ## MSPE mean((dpred$tT-apply(res1$Tpred, 1, median))^2); ## traceplot par(mfrow = c(2,2)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[1,]), main="beta1") traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[2,]), main="beta2") traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[1,]), main="sill") traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[2,]), main="range") ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ par(mfrow = c(1,1)) tgrid = seq(1e-10,4,0.1); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(0,0), x2=c(0,1)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
This function fits a marginal Bayesian Nonparametric model (Zhou, Hanson and Knapp, 2015) for point-referenced right censored time-to-event data. Note that the function arguments are slightly different with those presented in the original paper; see Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for new examples.
spCopulaDDP(formula, data, na.action, prediction=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE, Coordinates, DIST=NULL, Knots=NULL)
spCopulaDDP(formula, data, na.action, prediction=NULL, mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, scale.designX=TRUE, Coordinates, DIST=NULL, Knots=NULL)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
prediction |
a list giving the information used to obtain conditional inferences. The list includes the following elements: |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. See Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for more detailed hyperprior specifications. |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis. |
scale.designX |
flag to indicate wheter the design matrix X will be centered by column means and scaled by column standard deviations, where |
Coordinates |
an n by 2 coordinates matrix, where n is the sample size, 2 is the dimension of coordiantes. Note all cocordinates should be distinct. |
This is a function argument, used to calculate the distance. The default is Euclidean distance ( |
Knots |
an nknots by 2 matrix, where nknots is the number of selected knots for FSA, and 2 is the dimension of each location. If |
This function fits a marginal Bayesian Nonparametric model (Zhou, Hanson and Knapp, 2015) for point-referenced right censored time-to-event data. Note that the function arguments are slightly different with those presented in the original paper; see Zhou, Hanson and Zhang (2018) for new examples.
The spCopulaDDP
object is a list containing at least the following components:
n |
the number of row observations used in fitting the model |
p |
the number of columns in the model matrix |
Surv |
the |
X.scaled |
the n by p scaled design matrix |
X |
the n by p orginal design matrix |
beta |
the p+1 by N by nsave array of posterior samples for the coefficients |
sigma2 |
the N by nsave matrix of posterior samples for sigma2 involved in the DDP. |
w |
the N by nsave matrix of posterior samples for weights involved in the DDP. |
theta |
the 2 by nsave matrix of posterior samples for partial sill and range involved in the Gaussian copula. |
Tpred |
the npred by nsave predicted survival times for covariates specified in the argument |
Zpred |
the npred by nsave predicted z values for covariates specified in the argument |
ratey |
the n-vector of acceptance rates for sampling censored survival times. |
ratebeta |
the N-vector of acceptance rates for sampling beta coefficients. |
ratesigma |
the N-vector of acceptance rates for sampling sigma2. |
ratetheta |
the acceptance rate for sampling theta. |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2020). spBayesSurv: Fitting Bayesian Spatial Survival Models Using R. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(9): 1-33.
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Knapp, R. (2015). Marginal Bayesian nonparametric model for time to disease arrival of threatened amphibian populations. Biometrics, 71(4): 1101-1110.
############################################################### # A simulated data: mixture of two normals with spatial dependence ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True parameters betaT = cbind(c(3.5, 0.5), c(2.5, -1)); wT = c(0.4, 0.6); sig2T = c(1^2, 0.5^2); theta1 = 0.98; theta2 = 0.1; n=30; npred=3; ntot = n+npred; ## The Survival function for log survival times: fiofy = function(y, xi, w=wT){ nw = length(w); ny = length(y); res = matrix(0, ny, nw); Xi = c(1,xi); for (k in 1:nw){ res[,k] = w[k]*dnorm(y, sum(Xi*betaT[,k]), sqrt(sig2T[k]) ) } apply(res, 1, sum) } fioft = function(t, xi, w=wT) fiofy(log(t), xi, w)/t; Fiofy = function(y, xi, w=wT){ nw = length(w); ny = length(y); res = matrix(0, ny, nw); Xi = c(1,xi); for (k in 1:nw){ res[,k] = w[k]*pnorm(y, sum(Xi*betaT[,k]), sqrt(sig2T[k]) ) } apply(res, 1, sum) } Fioft = function(t, xi, w=wT) Fiofy(log(t), xi, w); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (y) Fiofy(y,x)-u, lower=-250, upper=250, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## generate coordinates: ## npred is the # of locations for prediction ldist = 100; wdist = 40; s1 = runif(ntot, 0, wdist); s2 = runif(ntot, 0, ldist); s = cbind(s1,s2); #plot(s[,1], s[,2]); ## Covariance matrix corT = matrix(1, ntot, ntot); for (i in 1:(ntot-1)){ for (j in (i+1):ntot){ dij = sqrt(sum( (s[i,]-s[j,])^2 )); corT[i,j] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij); corT[j,i] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij); } } ## generate x x1 = runif(ntot,-1.5,1.5); X = cbind(x1); ## generate transformed log of survival times z = MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, ntot), corT); ## generate survival times u = pnorm(z); tT = rep(0, ntot); for (i in 1:ntot){ tT[i] = exp(Finv(u[i], X[i,])); } ### ----------- right-censored -------------### t_obs=tT Centime = runif(ntot, 200, 500); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/ntot; # censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); t_obs[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; ## observed time ## make a data frame dtot = data.frame(tobs=t_obs, x1=x1, delta=delta, tT=tT, s1=s1, s2=s2); ## Hold out npred for prediction purpose predindex = sample(1:ntot, npred); dpred = dtot[predindex,]; d = dtot[-predindex,]; # Prediction settings prediction = list(xpred=cbind(dpred$x1), spred=cbind(dpred$s1, dpred$s2)); ############################################################### # Independent DDP: Bayesian Nonparametric Survival Model ############################################################### # MCMC parameters nburn=100; nsave=100; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(N=10, a0=2, b0=2, nknots=n, nblock=round(n/2)); # here nknots=n, so FSA is not used. # If nknots<n, FSA will be used with nblock=round(n/2). # As nknots is getting larger, the FSA is more accurate but slower # As nblock is getting smaller, the FSA is more accurate but slower. # In most applications, setting nblock=n works fine, which is the # setting by not specifying nblock. # If nknots is not specified or nknots=n, the exact covariance is used. # Fit the Cox PH model res1 = spCopulaDDP(formula = Surv(tobs, delta)~x1, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, prediction=prediction, Coordinates=cbind(d$s1,d$s2), Knots=NULL); # here if prediction=NULL, prediction$xpred will be set as the design matrix # in formula, and prediction$spred will be set as the Coordinates argument. # Knots=NULL is the defualt setting, for which the knots will be generated # using fields::cover.design() with number of knots equal to prior$nknots. ## LPML LPML = sum(log(res1$cpo)); LPML; ## Number of non-negligible components quantile(colSums(res1$w>0.05)) ## MSPE mean((log(dpred$tT)-apply(log(res1$Tpred), 1, median))^2); ## traceplot par(mfrow = c(1,2)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[1,]), main="sill") traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[2,]), main="range") ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ ygrid = seq(0,6.0,length=100); tgrid = exp(ygrid); ngrid = length(tgrid); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(-1, 1)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
############################################################### # A simulated data: mixture of two normals with spatial dependence ############################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) ## True parameters betaT = cbind(c(3.5, 0.5), c(2.5, -1)); wT = c(0.4, 0.6); sig2T = c(1^2, 0.5^2); theta1 = 0.98; theta2 = 0.1; n=30; npred=3; ntot = n+npred; ## The Survival function for log survival times: fiofy = function(y, xi, w=wT){ nw = length(w); ny = length(y); res = matrix(0, ny, nw); Xi = c(1,xi); for (k in 1:nw){ res[,k] = w[k]*dnorm(y, sum(Xi*betaT[,k]), sqrt(sig2T[k]) ) } apply(res, 1, sum) } fioft = function(t, xi, w=wT) fiofy(log(t), xi, w)/t; Fiofy = function(y, xi, w=wT){ nw = length(w); ny = length(y); res = matrix(0, ny, nw); Xi = c(1,xi); for (k in 1:nw){ res[,k] = w[k]*pnorm(y, sum(Xi*betaT[,k]), sqrt(sig2T[k]) ) } apply(res, 1, sum) } Fioft = function(t, xi, w=wT) Fiofy(log(t), xi, w); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (y) Fiofy(y,x)-u, lower=-250, upper=250, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## generate coordinates: ## npred is the # of locations for prediction ldist = 100; wdist = 40; s1 = runif(ntot, 0, wdist); s2 = runif(ntot, 0, ldist); s = cbind(s1,s2); #plot(s[,1], s[,2]); ## Covariance matrix corT = matrix(1, ntot, ntot); for (i in 1:(ntot-1)){ for (j in (i+1):ntot){ dij = sqrt(sum( (s[i,]-s[j,])^2 )); corT[i,j] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij); corT[j,i] = theta1*exp(-theta2*dij); } } ## generate x x1 = runif(ntot,-1.5,1.5); X = cbind(x1); ## generate transformed log of survival times z = MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, ntot), corT); ## generate survival times u = pnorm(z); tT = rep(0, ntot); for (i in 1:ntot){ tT[i] = exp(Finv(u[i], X[i,])); } ### ----------- right-censored -------------### t_obs=tT Centime = runif(ntot, 200, 500); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/ntot; # censoring rate rcen = which(delta==0); t_obs[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; ## observed time ## make a data frame dtot = data.frame(tobs=t_obs, x1=x1, delta=delta, tT=tT, s1=s1, s2=s2); ## Hold out npred for prediction purpose predindex = sample(1:ntot, npred); dpred = dtot[predindex,]; d = dtot[-predindex,]; # Prediction settings prediction = list(xpred=cbind(dpred$x1), spred=cbind(dpred$s1, dpred$s2)); ############################################################### # Independent DDP: Bayesian Nonparametric Survival Model ############################################################### # MCMC parameters nburn=100; nsave=100; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(N=10, a0=2, b0=2, nknots=n, nblock=round(n/2)); # here nknots=n, so FSA is not used. # If nknots<n, FSA will be used with nblock=round(n/2). # As nknots is getting larger, the FSA is more accurate but slower # As nblock is getting smaller, the FSA is more accurate but slower. # In most applications, setting nblock=n works fine, which is the # setting by not specifying nblock. # If nknots is not specified or nknots=n, the exact covariance is used. # Fit the Cox PH model res1 = spCopulaDDP(formula = Surv(tobs, delta)~x1, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, prediction=prediction, Coordinates=cbind(d$s1,d$s2), Knots=NULL); # here if prediction=NULL, prediction$xpred will be set as the design matrix # in formula, and prediction$spred will be set as the Coordinates argument. # Knots=NULL is the defualt setting, for which the knots will be generated # using fields::cover.design() with number of knots equal to prior$nknots. ## LPML LPML = sum(log(res1$cpo)); LPML; ## Number of non-negligible components quantile(colSums(res1$w>0.05)) ## MSPE mean((log(dpred$tT)-apply(log(res1$Tpred), 1, median))^2); ## traceplot par(mfrow = c(1,2)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[1,]), main="sill") traceplot(mcmc(res1$theta[2,]), main="range") ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ ygrid = seq(0,6.0,length=100); tgrid = exp(ygrid); ngrid = length(tgrid); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(-1, 1)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
This function fits a super survival model (Zhang, Hanson and Zhou, 2018). It can fit both Case I and Case II interval censored data, as well as standard right-censored, uncensored, and mixtures of these. The Bernstein Polynomial Prior is used for fitting the baseline survival function.
SuperSurvRegBayes(formula, data, na.action, dist="lognormal", mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, truncation_time=NULL, subject.num=NULL, InitParamMCMC=FALSE, scale.designX=TRUE)
SuperSurvRegBayes(formula, data, na.action, dist="lognormal", mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, truncation_time=NULL, subject.num=NULL, InitParamMCMC=FALSE, scale.designX=TRUE)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
dist |
centering distribution for MPT. Choices include |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. The list includes: |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis. |
truncation_time |
a vector of left-trucation times with length n. |
subject.num |
a vector of suject id numbers when time dependent covariates are considered. For example, for subject 1 time dependent covariates are recorded over [0,1), [1,3), and for subject 2 covariates are recorded over [0,2), [2,3), [3,4). Suppose we only have two subjects, i.e. n=2. In this case, we save the data in the long format, set truncation_time=c(0,1,0,2,3) and subject.num=c(1,1,2,2,2). |
InitParamMCMC |
flag to indicate wheter an initial MCMC will be run based on the centering parametric model, where |
scale.designX |
flag to indicate wheter the design matrix X will be centered by column means and scaled by column standard deviations, where |
The SuperSurvRegBayes
object is a list containing at least the following components:
modelname |
the name of the fitted model |
terms |
the |
dist |
the centering distribution used in the TBP prior on baseline survival function |
coefficients |
a named vector of coefficients. The last two elements are the estimates of theta1 and theta2 involved in the centering baseline survival function. |
call |
the matched call |
prior |
the list of hyperparameters used in all priors. |
mcmc |
the list of MCMC parameters used |
n |
the number of row observations used in fitting the model |
p |
the number of columns in the model matrix |
nsubject |
the number of subjects/individuals, which is equal to n in the absence of time-dependent covariates |
subject.num |
the vector of subject id numbers when time dependent covariates are considered |
truncation_time |
the vector of left-trucation times |
Surv |
the |
X.scaled |
the n by p scaled design matrix |
X |
the n by p orginal design matrix |
theta.scaled |
the 2 by nsave matrix of posterior samples for theta1 and theta2 involved in the centering baseline survival function. Note that these posterior samples are based scaled design matrix. |
alpha |
the vector of posterior samples for the precision parameter alpha in the TBP prior. |
maxL |
the truncation level used in the TBP prior. |
weight |
the maxL by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the weights in the TBP prior. |
cpo |
the length n vector of the stabilized estiamte of CPO; used for calculating LPML |
pD |
the effective number of parameters involved in DIC |
the deviance information criterion (DIC) |
ratetheta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of theta vector involved in the centering baseline survival function |
ratebeta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of beta coefficient vector |
rateYs |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of weight vector involved in the TBP prior |
ratec |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of precision parameter alpha involved in the TBP prior |
BF |
the Bayes factors for testing AFT, PH, PO, AH, EH and YP models. |
Haiming Zhou
Zhang, J., Hanson, T., and Zhou, H. (2019). Bayes factors for choosing among six common survival models. Lifetime Data Analysis, 25(2): 361-379.
################################################################# # A simulated data based on PH_PO_AFT super model ################################################################# rm(list=ls()) library(coda) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) ## True coeffs betaT_h = c(1, 1); betaT_o = c(0, 0); betaT_q = c(1, 1); ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) { 0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE) } h0oft = function(t) f0oft(t)/S0oft(t); ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x){ xibeta_h = sum(x*betaT_h); xibeta_o = sum(x*betaT_o); xibeta_q = sum(x*betaT_q); (1+exp(xibeta_o-xibeta_h+xibeta_q)* (1/S0oft(exp(xibeta_q)*t)-1))^(-exp(xibeta_h-xibeta_q)); } Fioft = function(t,x) 1-Sioft(t,x); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ### true plots tt=seq(1e-10, 4, 0.02); xpred1 = c(0,0); xpred2 = c(0,1); plot(tt, Sioft(tt, xpred1), "l", ylim=c(0,1)); lines(tt, Sioft(tt, xpred2), "l"); ##-------------Generate data-------------------## ## generate x n = 80; x1 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,]); } ### ----------- right censored -------------### t1=tT;t2=tT; Centime = runif(n, 2, 6); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; rcen = which(delta==0); t1[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; t2[rcen] = NA; ## make a data frame d = data.frame(t1=t1, t2=t2, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, tT=tT); table(d$delta)/n; ##-------------Fit the model-------------------## # MCMC parameters nburn=200; nsave=500; nskip=0; niter = nburn+nsave mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(maxL=15, a0=1, b0=1, M=10, q=.9); ptm<-proc.time() res1 = SuperSurvRegBayes(formula = Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2")~x1+x2, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, dist="lognormal"); sfit=summary(res1); sfit; systime1=proc.time()-ptm; systime1; par(mfrow = c(3,2)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_h[1,]), main="beta_h for x1"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_h[2,]), main="beta_h for x2"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_o[1,]), main="beta_o for x1"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_o[2,]), main="beta_o for x2"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_q[1,]), main="beta_q for x1"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_q[2,]), main="beta_q for x2"); #################################################################### ## Get curves #################################################################### par(mfrow = c(1,1)) tgrid = seq(1e-10,4,0.2); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(0,0), x2=c(0,1)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
################################################################# # A simulated data based on PH_PO_AFT super model ################################################################# rm(list=ls()) library(coda) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) ## True coeffs betaT_h = c(1, 1); betaT_o = c(0, 0); betaT_q = c(1, 1); ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) { 0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE) } h0oft = function(t) f0oft(t)/S0oft(t); ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x){ xibeta_h = sum(x*betaT_h); xibeta_o = sum(x*betaT_o); xibeta_q = sum(x*betaT_q); (1+exp(xibeta_o-xibeta_h+xibeta_q)* (1/S0oft(exp(xibeta_q)*t)-1))^(-exp(xibeta_h-xibeta_q)); } Fioft = function(t,x) 1-Sioft(t,x); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ### true plots tt=seq(1e-10, 4, 0.02); xpred1 = c(0,0); xpred2 = c(0,1); plot(tt, Sioft(tt, xpred1), "l", ylim=c(0,1)); lines(tt, Sioft(tt, xpred2), "l"); ##-------------Generate data-------------------## ## generate x n = 80; x1 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,]); } ### ----------- right censored -------------### t1=tT;t2=tT; Centime = runif(n, 2, 6); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; rcen = which(delta==0); t1[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; t2[rcen] = NA; ## make a data frame d = data.frame(t1=t1, t2=t2, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, tT=tT); table(d$delta)/n; ##-------------Fit the model-------------------## # MCMC parameters nburn=200; nsave=500; nskip=0; niter = nburn+nsave mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(maxL=15, a0=1, b0=1, M=10, q=.9); ptm<-proc.time() res1 = SuperSurvRegBayes(formula = Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2")~x1+x2, data=d, prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, dist="lognormal"); sfit=summary(res1); sfit; systime1=proc.time()-ptm; systime1; par(mfrow = c(3,2)) traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_h[1,]), main="beta_h for x1"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_h[2,]), main="beta_h for x2"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_o[1,]), main="beta_o for x1"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_o[2,]), main="beta_o for x2"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_q[1,]), main="beta_q for x1"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta_q[2,]), main="beta_q for x2"); #################################################################### ## Get curves #################################################################### par(mfrow = c(1,1)) tgrid = seq(1e-10,4,0.2); xpred = data.frame(x1=c(0,0), x2=c(0,1)); plot(res1, xnewdata=xpred, tgrid=tgrid);
This function fits semiparametric proportional hazards (PH), proportional odds (PO), accelerated failture time (AFT) and accelerated hazards (AH) models. Both georeferenced (location observed exactly) and areally observed (location known up to a geographic unit such as a county) spatial locations can be handled. Georeferenced data are modeled with Gaussian random field (GRF) frailties whereas areal data are modeled with a conditional autoregressive (CAR) prior on frailties. For non-spatial clustered data, an IID Gaussian frailties are assumed. Variable selection is also incorporated. The function can fit both Case I and Case II interval censored data, as well as standard right-censored, uncensored, and mixtures of these. The transformed Bernstein Polynomial (TBP) prior is used for fitting the baseline survival function. The full scale approximation (FSA) (Sang and Huang, 2012) could be used to inverse the spatial correlation matrix for georeferenced data. The function also fits all these models without frailties. The logarithm of the pseudo marginal likelihood (LPML), the deviance information criterion (DIC), and the Watanabe-Akaike information criterion (WAIC) are provided for model comparison.
survregbayes(formula, data, na.action, survmodel="PH", dist="loglogistic", mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, selection=FALSE, Proximity=NULL, truncation_time=NULL, subject.num=NULL, Knots=NULL, Coordinates=NULL, DIST=NULL, InitParamMCMC=TRUE, scale.designX=TRUE)
survregbayes(formula, data, na.action, survmodel="PH", dist="loglogistic", mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, selection=FALSE, Proximity=NULL, truncation_time=NULL, subject.num=NULL, Knots=NULL, Coordinates=NULL, DIST=NULL, InitParamMCMC=TRUE, scale.designX=TRUE)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
survmodel |
a character string for the assumed survival model. The options include |
dist |
centering distribution for TBP. Choices include |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. The function itself provides all default priors. Note if FSA is used, the number of knots |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis. |
selection |
flag to indicate whether variable selection is performed, where |
Proximity |
an m by m symetric adjacency matrix, where m is the number of clusters/regions. If CAR frailty model is specified in the formula, |
truncation_time |
a vector of left-trucation times with length n. |
subject.num |
a vector of subject id numbers when time dependent covariates are considered. For example, for subject 1 time dependent covariates are recorded over [0,1), [1,3), and for subject 2 covariates are recorded over [0,2), [2,3), [3,4). Suppose we only have two subjects, i.e. n=2. In this case, we save the data in the long format, set truncation_time=c(0,1,0,2,3) and subject.num=c(1,1,2,2,2). |
Knots |
an nknots by d matrix, where nknots is the number of selected knots for FSA, and d is the dimension of each location. If |
Coordinates |
an m by d coordinates matrix, where m is the number of clusters/regions, d is the dimension of coordiantes. If GRF frailty model is specified in the formula, |
This is a function argument, used to calculate the distance. The default is Euclidean distance ( |
InitParamMCMC |
flag to indicate whether an initial MCMC will be run based on the centering parametric model, where |
scale.designX |
flag to indicate whether the design matrix X will be centered by column means and scaled by column standard deviations, where |
This class of objects is returned by the survregbayes
function to represent a fitted Bayesian semiparametric survival model. Objects of this class have methods for the functions print
, summary
and plot
The survregbayes
object is a list containing at least the following components:
modelname |
the name of the fitted model |
terms |
the |
dist |
the centering distribution used in the TBP prior on baseline survival function |
survmodel |
the model fitted |
coefficients |
a named vector of coefficients. The last two elements are the estimates of theta1 and theta2 involved in the centering baseline survival function. |
call |
the matched call |
prior |
the list of hyperparameters used in all priors. |
mcmc |
the list of MCMC parameters used |
n |
the number of row observations used in fitting the model |
p |
the number of columns in the model matrix |
nsubject |
the number of subjects/individuals, which is equal to n in the absence of time-dependent covariates |
subject.num |
the vector of subject id numbers when time dependent covariates are considered |
truncation_time |
the vector of left-trucation times |
Surv |
the |
X.scaled |
the n by p scaled design matrix |
X |
the n by p orginal design matrix |
beta |
the p by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
theta.scaled |
the 2 by nsave matrix of posterior samples for theta1 and theta2 involved in the centering baseline survival function. Note that these posterior samples are based scaled design matrix. |
beta.scaled |
the p by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the coefficients in the |
alpha |
the vector of posterior samples for the precision parameter alpha in the TBP prior. |
maxL |
the truncation level used in the TBP prior. |
weight |
the maxL by nsave matrix of posterior samples for the weights in the TBP prior. |
cpo |
the length n vector of the stabilized estiamte of CPO; used for calculating LPML |
pD |
the effective number of parameters involved in DIC |
the deviance information criterion (DIC) |
pW |
the effective number of parameters involved in WAIC |
the Watanabe-Akaike information criterion (WAIC) |
Surv.cox.snell |
the |
ratetheta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of theta vector involved in the centering baseline survival function |
ratebeta |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of beta coefficient vector |
rateYs |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of weight vector involved in the TBP prior |
ratec |
the acceptance rate in the posterior sampling of precision parameter alpha involved in the TBP prior |
frail.prior |
the frailty prior used in |
selection |
whether the variable selection was performed |
initial.values |
the list of initial values used for the parameters |
BF.baseline |
the Bayes factor for comparing the parametric baseline vs. the TBP baseline |
BF.bs |
Bayes factors for testing linearity when |
The object will also have the following components when frailty models are fit:
v |
the nID by nsave matrix of posterior samples for frailties, where nID is the number of clusters considered. |
ratev |
the vector of acceptance rates in the posterior sampling of frailties |
tau2 |
the vector of posterior samples for tau2 involved in the IID, GRF or CAR frailty prior. |
ID |
the cluster ID used in |
If GRF frailties are used, the object will also have:
Coordinates |
the |
ratephi |
the acceptance rates in the posterior sampling of phi involved in the GRF prior |
phi |
the vector of posterior samples for phi involved in the GRF prior |
Knots |
the |
If the variable selection is performed, the object will also include:
gamma |
the p by nsave matrix of posterior samples for gamma involved in the variable selection |
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H., Hanson, T., and Zhang, J. (2020). spBayesSurv: Fitting Bayesian Spatial Survival Models Using R. Journal of Statistical Software, 92(9): 1-33.
Zhou, H. and Hanson, T. (2018). A unified framework for fitting Bayesian semiparametric models to arbitrarily censored survival data, including spatially-referenced data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113(522): 571-581.
Sang, H. and Huang, J. Z. (2012). A full scale approximation of covariance functions for large spatial data sets. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 74(1), 111-132.
, cox.snell.survregbayes
, rdist
, rdist.earth
rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) library(MASS) library(fields) ## True coeffs betaT = c(1,1); ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) (0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)) ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x,v=0) exp( log(S0oft(t))*exp(sum(x*betaT)+v) ) ; Fioft = function(t,x,v=0) 1-Sioft(t,x,v); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x,v=0) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x,v)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## correlation function rho_Exp = function(dis, phi) exp(-(dis*phi)); ############################################################################### ########################### Start to simulation ############################### ############################################################################### phiT=1; sill=0.9999; ## phiT is the range parameter phi. tau2T = 1; ## true frailty variance; m = 50; mi=2 id=rep(1:m, each=mi) mseq = rep(mi, m); n = sum(mseq); s1 = runif(m, 0, 10); s2 = runif(m, 0, 10); locs = cbind(s1, s2); ss = cbind(rep(locs[,1],each=mi), rep(locs[,2],each=mi)); ### the locations. Dmm = .Call("DistMat", t(locs), t(locs), PACKAGE = "spBayesSurv"); Rmm = sill*rho_Exp(Dmm, phiT)+diag(1-sill, m, m); v = mvrnorm(1, mu=rep(0,m), Sigma=tau2T*Rmm); vn = rep(v, each=mi) ## generate x x1 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,], vn[i]); } ### ----------- right censored -------------### t1=tT;t2=tT; ## right censored Centime = runif(n, 2,6); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; rcen = which(delta==0); t1[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; t2[rcen] = NA; ## make a data frame ## Method 1: in the interval-censoring notation: ## t1 is the left endpoint and t2 is the right endpoint. ## This way we could use Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2") ## Method 2: Because we have right-censored data, ## we could use t1 as the observed survival times and delta as the indicator. ## This way we could use Surv(t1, delta). This is the same as above. ## (s1, s2) are the locations. d = data.frame(t1=t1, t2=t2, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, s1=ss[,1], s2=ss[,2], id=id); table(d$delta)/n; ##-------------spBayesSurv-------------------## # MCMC parameters nburn=200; nsave=200; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(maxL=15, a0=1, b0=1, nknots=m, nblock=m, nu=1); # here if nknots<m, FSA will be used with nblock=m. cor.dist = function(x1, x2) rdist(x1,x2) ptm<-proc.time() res1 = survregbayes(formula = Surv(t1, delta)~x1+x2+ frailtyprior("grf", id), data=d, InitParamMCMC=FALSE, survmodel="PH", prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, DIST=cor.dist, dist="loglogistic", Coordinates = locs); ## Or equivalently formula = Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2") can also be used. ## Note InitParamMCMC=FALSE is used for speeding, ## InitParamMCMC=TRUE is recommended in general. sfit=summary(res1); sfit systime1=proc.time()-ptm; systime1; ############################################ ## Results ############################################ ## acceptance rate of frailties res1$ratev[1] ## traceplots; par(mfrow=c(2,3)); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[1,]), main="beta1"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[2,]), main="beta2"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$v[1,]), main="frailty"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$v[2,]), main="frailty"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$v[3,]), main="frailty"); #traceplot(mcmc(res1$v[4,]), main="frailty"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$phi), main="phi"); ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ par(mfrow=c(1,1)); wide=0.2; tgrid = seq(1e-10,4,wide); ngrid = length(tgrid); p = length(betaT); # number of covariates newdata = data.frame(x1=c(0,0), x2=c(0,1)) plot(res1, xnewdata=newdata, tgrid=tgrid, PLOT=TRUE); ## Cox-Snell plot set.seed(1) cox.snell.survregbayes(res1, ncurves=2, PLOT=TRUE);
rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) library(coda) library(MASS) library(fields) ## True coeffs betaT = c(1,1); ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) (0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)) ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x,v=0) exp( log(S0oft(t))*exp(sum(x*betaT)+v) ) ; Fioft = function(t,x,v=0) 1-Sioft(t,x,v); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x,v=0) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x,v)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes", tol=1e-6)$root ## correlation function rho_Exp = function(dis, phi) exp(-(dis*phi)); ############################################################################### ########################### Start to simulation ############################### ############################################################################### phiT=1; sill=0.9999; ## phiT is the range parameter phi. tau2T = 1; ## true frailty variance; m = 50; mi=2 id=rep(1:m, each=mi) mseq = rep(mi, m); n = sum(mseq); s1 = runif(m, 0, 10); s2 = runif(m, 0, 10); locs = cbind(s1, s2); ss = cbind(rep(locs[,1],each=mi), rep(locs[,2],each=mi)); ### the locations. Dmm = .Call("DistMat", t(locs), t(locs), PACKAGE = "spBayesSurv"); Rmm = sill*rho_Exp(Dmm, phiT)+diag(1-sill, m, m); v = mvrnorm(1, mu=rep(0,m), Sigma=tau2T*Rmm); vn = rep(v, each=mi) ## generate x x1 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,], vn[i]); } ### ----------- right censored -------------### t1=tT;t2=tT; ## right censored Centime = runif(n, 2,6); delta = (tT<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta==0))/n; rcen = which(delta==0); t1[rcen] = Centime[rcen]; t2[rcen] = NA; ## make a data frame ## Method 1: in the interval-censoring notation: ## t1 is the left endpoint and t2 is the right endpoint. ## This way we could use Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2") ## Method 2: Because we have right-censored data, ## we could use t1 as the observed survival times and delta as the indicator. ## This way we could use Surv(t1, delta). This is the same as above. ## (s1, s2) are the locations. d = data.frame(t1=t1, t2=t2, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, s1=ss[,1], s2=ss[,2], id=id); table(d$delta)/n; ##-------------spBayesSurv-------------------## # MCMC parameters nburn=200; nsave=200; nskip=0; # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=1000); prior = list(maxL=15, a0=1, b0=1, nknots=m, nblock=m, nu=1); # here if nknots<m, FSA will be used with nblock=m. cor.dist = function(x1, x2) rdist(x1,x2) ptm<-proc.time() res1 = survregbayes(formula = Surv(t1, delta)~x1+x2+ frailtyprior("grf", id), data=d, InitParamMCMC=FALSE, survmodel="PH", prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, DIST=cor.dist, dist="loglogistic", Coordinates = locs); ## Or equivalently formula = Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2") can also be used. ## Note InitParamMCMC=FALSE is used for speeding, ## InitParamMCMC=TRUE is recommended in general. sfit=summary(res1); sfit systime1=proc.time()-ptm; systime1; ############################################ ## Results ############################################ ## acceptance rate of frailties res1$ratev[1] ## traceplots; par(mfrow=c(2,3)); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[1,]), main="beta1"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$beta[2,]), main="beta2"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$v[1,]), main="frailty"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$v[2,]), main="frailty"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$v[3,]), main="frailty"); #traceplot(mcmc(res1$v[4,]), main="frailty"); traceplot(mcmc(res1$phi), main="phi"); ############################################ ## Curves ############################################ par(mfrow=c(1,1)); wide=0.2; tgrid = seq(1e-10,4,wide); ngrid = length(tgrid); p = length(betaT); # number of covariates newdata = data.frame(x1=c(0,0), x2=c(0,1)) plot(res1, xnewdata=newdata, tgrid=tgrid, PLOT=TRUE); ## Cox-Snell plot set.seed(1) cox.snell.survregbayes(res1, ncurves=2, PLOT=TRUE);
This function fits mixtures of Polya trees (MPT) proportional hazards, proportional odds, and accelerated failture time models. It also allows to include exchangeable and CAR frailties for fitting clusterd survival data. The function can fit both Case I and Case II interval censored data, as well as standard right-censored, uncensored, and mixtures of these.
survregbayes2(formula, data, na.action, survmodel="PH", dist="loglogistic", mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, selection=FALSE, Proximity=NULL, truncation_time=NULL, subject.num=NULL, InitParamMCMC=TRUE, scale.designX=TRUE)
survregbayes2(formula, data, na.action, survmodel="PH", dist="loglogistic", mcmc=list(nburn=3000, nsave=2000, nskip=0, ndisplay=500), prior=NULL, state=NULL, selection=FALSE, Proximity=NULL, truncation_time=NULL, subject.num=NULL, InitParamMCMC=TRUE, scale.designX=TRUE)
formula |
a formula expression with the response returned by the |
data |
a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the |
na.action |
a missing-data filter function, applied to the |
survmodel |
a character string for the assumed survival model. The options include |
dist |
centering distribution for MPT. Choices include |
mcmc |
a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list must include the following elements: |
prior |
a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameter: |
state |
a list giving the current value of the parameters. This list is used if the current analysis is the continuation of a previous analysis. |
selection |
flag to indicate whether variable selection is performed, where |
Proximity |
an m by m symetric adjacency matrix, where m is the number of clusters/regions. If CAR frailty model is specified in the formula, |
truncation_time |
a vector of left-trucation times with length n. |
subject.num |
a vector of suject id numbers when time dependent covariates are considered. For example, for subject 1 time dependent covariates are recorded over [0,1), [1,3), and for subject 2 covariates are recorded over [0,2), [2,3), [3,4). Suppose we only have two subjects, i.e. n=2. In this case, we save the data in the long format, set truncation_time=c(0,1,0,2,3) and subject.num=c(1,1,2,2,2). |
InitParamMCMC |
flag to indicate wheter an initial MCMC will be run based on the centering parametric model, where |
scale.designX |
flag to indicate wheter the design matrix X will be centered by column means and scaled by column standard deviations, where |
The results include the MCMC chains for the parameters; use names
to find out what they are.
Haiming Zhou and Timothy Hanson
Zhou, H. and Hanson, T. (2015). Bayesian spatial survival models. In Nonparametric Bayesian Inference in Biostatistics (pp 215-246). Springer International Publishing.
Zhao, L. and Hanson, T. (2011). Spatially dependent Polya tree modeling for survival data. Biometrics, 67(2), 391-403.
rm(list=ls()) library(coda) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) ## True coeffs betaT = c(1,1); ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) (0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)); ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x,v=0) exp( log(S0oft(t))*exp(sum(x*betaT)+v) ) ; Fioft = function(t,x,v=0) 1-Sioft(t,x,v); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x,v=0) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x,v)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes")$root ##-------------Generate data-------------------## ## generate x n = 100; x1 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,]); } ### ----------- partly interval-censored -------------### t1=rep(NA, n);t2=rep(NA, n); delta=rep(NA, n); n1 = floor(0.5*n); ## right-censored part n2 = n-n1; ## interval-censored part # right-censored part rcen = sample(1:n, n1); t1_r=tT[rcen];t2_r=tT[rcen]; Centime = runif(n1, 2, 6); delta_r = (tT[rcen]<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta_r==0))/n1; t1_r[which(delta_r==0)] = Centime[which(delta_r==0)]; t2_r[which(delta_r==0)] = NA; t1[rcen]=t1_r; t2[rcen]=t2_r; delta[rcen] = delta_r; # interval-censored part intcen = (1:n)[-rcen]; t1_int=rep(NA, n2);t2_int=rep(NA, n2); delta_int=rep(NA, n2); npois = rpois(n2, 2)+1; for(i in 1:n2){ gaptime = cumsum(rexp(npois[i], 1)); pp = Fioft(gaptime, X[intcen[i],]); ind = sum(u[intcen[i]]>pp); if (ind==0){ delta_int[i] = 2; t2_int[i] = gaptime[1]; }else if (ind==npois[i]){ delta_int[i] = 0; t1_int[i] = gaptime[ind]; }else{ delta_int[i] = 3; t1_int[i] = gaptime[ind]; t2_int[i] = gaptime[ind+1]; } } t1[intcen]=t1_int; t2[intcen]=t2_int; delta[intcen] = delta_int; ## make a data frame d = data.frame(t1=t1, t2=t2, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, tT=tT); table(d$delta)/n; ##-------------spBayesSurv-------------------## fit0=survreg(formula = Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2")~x1+x2, data=d, dist="loglogistic"); # MCMC parameters nburn=500; nsave=500; nskip=0; niter = nburn+nsave # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=500); prior = list(maxL=4, a0=1, b0=1); ptm<-proc.time() res = survregbayes2(formula = Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2")~x1+x2, data=d, survmodel="PH", prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, dist="loglogistic", InitParamMCMC=FALSE); ## Note InitParamMCMC=FALSE is used only speeding, ## InitParamMCMC=TRUE is recommended in general. sfit=summary(res); sfit; systime=proc.time()-ptm; ### trace plots par(mfrow = c(2,2)); traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[1,]), main="beta1"); traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[2,]), main="beta2"); #################################################################### ## Get curves #################################################################### par(mfrow = c(1,1)); wide=0.01; tgrid = seq(0.001,4,wide); ngrid = length(tgrid); xnew = c(0,1) xpred = cbind(c(0,0), xnew); nxpred = nrow(xpred); estimates=plot(res, xpred, tgrid); ## plots ## survival function when x=(0,0) i=2 par(cex=1.5,mar=c(4.1,4.1,1,1),cex.lab=1.4,cex.axis=1.1) plot(tgrid, Sioft(tgrid, c(0,xnew[i])), "l", lwd=3, xlim=c(0,3), xlab="time", ylab="survival"); polygon(x=c(rev(tgrid),tgrid), y=c(rev(estimates$Shatlow[,i]),estimates$Shatup[,i]), border=NA,col="lightgray"); lines(tgrid, Sioft(tgrid, c(0,xnew[i])), "l", lwd=3); lines(tgrid, estimates$Shat[,i], lty=3, lwd=3, col=1); ## survival function when x=(0,0) i=1 par(cex=1.5,mar=c(4.1,4.1,1,1),cex.lab=1.4,cex.axis=1.1) lines(tgrid, Sioft(tgrid, c(0,xnew[i])), "l", lwd=3, xlim=c(0,3), xlab="time", ylab="survival"); polygon(x=c(rev(tgrid),tgrid), y=c(rev(estimates$Shatlow[,i]),estimates$Shatup[,i]), border=NA,col="lightgray"); lines(tgrid, Sioft(tgrid, c(0,xnew[i])), "l", lwd=3); lines(tgrid, estimates$Shat[,i], lty=3, lwd=3, col=1);
rm(list=ls()) library(coda) library(survival) library(spBayesSurv) ## True coeffs betaT = c(1,1); ## Baseline Survival f0oft = function(t) 0.5*dlnorm(t, -1, 0.5)+0.5*dlnorm(t,1,0.5); S0oft = function(t) (0.5*plnorm(t, -1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)+ 0.5*plnorm(t, 1, 0.5, lower.tail=FALSE)); ## The Survival function: Sioft = function(t,x,v=0) exp( log(S0oft(t))*exp(sum(x*betaT)+v) ) ; Fioft = function(t,x,v=0) 1-Sioft(t,x,v); ## The inverse for Fioft Finv = function(u, x,v=0) uniroot(function (t) Fioft(t,x,v)-u, lower=1e-100, upper=1e100, extendInt ="yes")$root ##-------------Generate data-------------------## ## generate x n = 100; x1 = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5); x2 = rnorm(n, 0, 1); X = cbind(x1, x2); ## generate survival times u = runif(n); tT = rep(0, n); for (i in 1:n){ tT[i] = Finv(u[i], X[i,]); } ### ----------- partly interval-censored -------------### t1=rep(NA, n);t2=rep(NA, n); delta=rep(NA, n); n1 = floor(0.5*n); ## right-censored part n2 = n-n1; ## interval-censored part # right-censored part rcen = sample(1:n, n1); t1_r=tT[rcen];t2_r=tT[rcen]; Centime = runif(n1, 2, 6); delta_r = (tT[rcen]<=Centime) +0 ; length(which(delta_r==0))/n1; t1_r[which(delta_r==0)] = Centime[which(delta_r==0)]; t2_r[which(delta_r==0)] = NA; t1[rcen]=t1_r; t2[rcen]=t2_r; delta[rcen] = delta_r; # interval-censored part intcen = (1:n)[-rcen]; t1_int=rep(NA, n2);t2_int=rep(NA, n2); delta_int=rep(NA, n2); npois = rpois(n2, 2)+1; for(i in 1:n2){ gaptime = cumsum(rexp(npois[i], 1)); pp = Fioft(gaptime, X[intcen[i],]); ind = sum(u[intcen[i]]>pp); if (ind==0){ delta_int[i] = 2; t2_int[i] = gaptime[1]; }else if (ind==npois[i]){ delta_int[i] = 0; t1_int[i] = gaptime[ind]; }else{ delta_int[i] = 3; t1_int[i] = gaptime[ind]; t2_int[i] = gaptime[ind+1]; } } t1[intcen]=t1_int; t2[intcen]=t2_int; delta[intcen] = delta_int; ## make a data frame d = data.frame(t1=t1, t2=t2, x1=x1, x2=x2, delta=delta, tT=tT); table(d$delta)/n; ##-------------spBayesSurv-------------------## fit0=survreg(formula = Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2")~x1+x2, data=d, dist="loglogistic"); # MCMC parameters nburn=500; nsave=500; nskip=0; niter = nburn+nsave # Note larger nburn, nsave and nskip should be used in practice. mcmc=list(nburn=nburn, nsave=nsave, nskip=nskip, ndisplay=500); prior = list(maxL=4, a0=1, b0=1); ptm<-proc.time() res = survregbayes2(formula = Surv(t1, t2, type="interval2")~x1+x2, data=d, survmodel="PH", prior=prior, mcmc=mcmc, dist="loglogistic", InitParamMCMC=FALSE); ## Note InitParamMCMC=FALSE is used only speeding, ## InitParamMCMC=TRUE is recommended in general. sfit=summary(res); sfit; systime=proc.time()-ptm; ### trace plots par(mfrow = c(2,2)); traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[1,]), main="beta1"); traceplot(mcmc(res$beta[2,]), main="beta2"); #################################################################### ## Get curves #################################################################### par(mfrow = c(1,1)); wide=0.01; tgrid = seq(0.001,4,wide); ngrid = length(tgrid); xnew = c(0,1) xpred = cbind(c(0,0), xnew); nxpred = nrow(xpred); estimates=plot(res, xpred, tgrid); ## plots ## survival function when x=(0,0) i=2 par(cex=1.5,mar=c(4.1,4.1,1,1),cex.lab=1.4,cex.axis=1.1) plot(tgrid, Sioft(tgrid, c(0,xnew[i])), "l", lwd=3, xlim=c(0,3), xlab="time", ylab="survival"); polygon(x=c(rev(tgrid),tgrid), y=c(rev(estimates$Shatlow[,i]),estimates$Shatup[,i]), border=NA,col="lightgray"); lines(tgrid, Sioft(tgrid, c(0,xnew[i])), "l", lwd=3); lines(tgrid, estimates$Shat[,i], lty=3, lwd=3, col=1); ## survival function when x=(0,0) i=1 par(cex=1.5,mar=c(4.1,4.1,1,1),cex.lab=1.4,cex.axis=1.1) lines(tgrid, Sioft(tgrid, c(0,xnew[i])), "l", lwd=3, xlim=c(0,3), xlab="time", ylab="survival"); polygon(x=c(rev(tgrid),tgrid), y=c(rev(estimates$Shatlow[,i]),estimates$Shatup[,i]), border=NA,col="lightgray"); lines(tgrid, Sioft(tgrid, c(0,xnew[i])), "l", lwd=3); lines(tgrid, estimates$Shat[,i], lty=3, lwd=3, col=1);